Expand your reach

Reach the 40+ market cost effectively with Curtin Radio, where we only play 5 minutes of sponsor messages per hour.

Curtin Radio 100.1FM shines in the All People 40+ market with a monthly cumulative audience of *318,000 listeners and a weekly cumulative audience in this demographic shows *161,000 listeners tune to Curtin Radio for 13.4 hours a week.

*Source McNair yellow Squares Pty Ltd July 2024

Benefit Snapshot

These are just some of the benefits you’ll get when you add us to your marketing-mix.

  • Spots in prime-time hours.
  • Amazing “bang-for-buck”.
  • More than half a million monthly listeners.
  • Marketing messages written and produced on your behalf.
  • Flexible arrangements suited to your budget and business.

See what’s possible


The experienced team at Curtin Radio can show you how to effectively utilise radio to promote your business. Contact one of our friendly Sponsorship Account Managers to find out more.

Megan Thomas

Megan Thomas

0409 905 909

– Sponsorship Marketing Consultant
– Website Director


Ray Ferguson

Ray Ferguson

0432 375 717

– Sponsorship Marketing Consultant


Ian Johnson

0418 916 719

– Sponsorship Marketing Consultant
